Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Lot of Money Goes a Little ways

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Headlines mean things.

The Latest: Fed to reduce its $4.5 trillion balance sheet

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on the Federal Reserve's monetary policy meeting (all times local):
2 p.m.
The Federal Reserve says it will start in October to gradually unwind its $4.5 trillion balance sheet, which expanded to unprecedented levels in efforts to spur economic growth after the 2008 financial crisis.
The balance sheet primarily consists of government and mortgage-backed bonds. As the bonds mature, the Fed plans to spend less money each month to replace them, which reduces the balance sheet. The U.S. central bank intends to spend $10 billion less on bonds beginning next month, a figure that will eventually reach $50 billion a month in October 2018.

What the above gobbledegook translates as is Obama and Trump pumped 4.5 trillion dollars in borrowed debt to inflate the stock market. This is how Amazon became Obama's one house conglomerate displacing hometown sellers, in billionaires got free money, to pump into their stocks, expand business, as they could service the debt by reselling stocks at inflated prices.
It is a house of cards.

With Mr. President, a great deal of trending was for the conglomerates to buy back their stocks, to invest their own money back into their corporations, so they do not have to make dividend payments out to geezer in their retirements. It is a greater return to not pay out high stock dividends by owning their own stock, than leaving it in banks overseas earning nothing.

Now that you understand this, it is not the fact that the foreign financiers who own the Fed are reducing their 4.5 trillion in debt, as that is absolutely unimportant at the meager levels of reduction of 120 billion dollars per year, but the shock will be graduating to  600 billion in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord which is approaching a trillion dollars a year pulled out.
This is the corporates funneling free money  back into the Treasury for this fake expansion or Obama recovery.

Money is like air, take it out of a balloon and it deflates. Take money out of the markets and the markets begin going down. You witness signs of this in the dollar is plunging. Take the money away enough though, and the dollar plunging begins to rise as there are fewer dollars. That brings less US trade in the following years.

The corporations are setting themselves up to protect themselves by purchasing their stocks. Stocks plunge, and people dump them,  people dump them and they fall further. This protects corporations from going to pennies on the dollar.

What this means to poor people is the Trump inflation of high food and fuel prices, being blamed on hurricanes, which is a farce, is that for geezers, their retirement accounts in stocks will be reduced in out payments. This means money supply will continue to constrict, meaning no small business expansion. The Trump recovery will not appear, even with Mr. Trump's massive fictional tax breaks, because people are carrying so much debt, they will be stuck paying it off. You can not buy new cars and appliances when your 250,000 dollar house is going down to 100,000, and no one wants to buy it from the Curry or Pinto Niggers Mr. Trump is trading in.

The pirates of energy will profit as Mr. Trump has assisted them, and so will the bankers again. There comes a time when the United States in Donald Trump can not import enough of these goddamn foreign vermin to pump money into Walmart and car dealers to give that debt bubble an expansion. There is not any money in the United States since the Congressional and White House looters took 3 trillion dollars more out of the US economy in Obama taxes, Obamacare and inflation food and fuel prices in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord. It is why prices are falling on property and goods, and it will continue to fall.

There is 100 trillion in toxic house debt. This will compound again, unless Mr. President does a Bush Obama and bails out banks to hang onto real estate again.

What this points to is:

Stocks down
Real estate down
Dollar down
Wages down

Inflation up as corporations attempt to make up the shortfalls
Silver and Gold up in a bubble
Bond debt up as investors seek sound reserves
Energy prices up

So 9 years of Obama Trump Quantitative Easing enriched the 1%, and looted the world. It built massive armies in Eurasia and added two hydrogen bomb additions in Iran and North Korea. It will now in this massive debt be transferred to you the taxpayer as 1929 and 2008.

What will follow will be plunder, a factor of global depression, and as history repeats, a war will be initiated to cover up all this looting as the repository of Eurasian gold will be necessary to be annexed to balance accounts. (Balance accounts means the United States becomes the Great Britain 3rd world hog sty)

Enough of this joy.

Nuff Said

