Thursday, November 15, 2012


I was fascinated by Junior Reagan or the New Repbublican Insider in how they know absolutely nothing of value. If this child hiding under Ronald Reagan's corpse cares to show they real, then them tell us what is it that is inserted up John Boehner's rectum in what it is that Barack Hussein Obama is blackmailing most of the powerful folk in America to keep them from stating that election theft is what overthrew America and it started with the Bush41 years in how Clinton stole it via Lawrence Walsh from that old rascal.

Perhaps the Lame Cherry should educate Junior Reagan on a few points as to how reality is in his Rick Perry "conservative" world from someone who was there when  Ronald Reagan was born.
The way to win this is only one way, and that is to cut off and kill the apparatus which the GOP Insider is either too ignorant to realize in being a juvenile blowhard or is part of the spin machine which has all the Limbaugh talking heads deliberately deflecting from election theft, ANALGATE and the reality of what is really taking place.

Want to know my source in what is really going on in the Republican Party? It is someone you can trust as he absolutely loathes the Romneycrats. His name is Barry Chin. You know him as B. Hussein Obama.
When Barack Obama stated in that open mic about Romney in knowing Romney was in on stealing several primary elections in vote flipping as was exclusively posted here, Barack Obama mentioned something about "the powers that be".

That is not some conspiratorial thing Obama was chattering on about, but it was a reality that the GOP does indeed have powers that be. One  can examine the Romney backers and soon realize they were the people who spiked oil prices in California and in the east after the hurricane, while dropping prices in Romney states.
They were Wall Street people dropping stock prices and defense contractors who laid off people. They were the people who put a great deal of effort in luring Sarah Palin out and then terrifying her by cutting her off to a Gabby Giffords end by Libyan missiles all so Romney would have a clear shot at being a strawman.
See these powers that be had it all worked out, that no matter Romney or Obama they would profit in carnivore capitalism. Business is what they do, and they rape every American and none of this matters to them as they are the same coin in global feudalism.

They have stooges like Foster Freiss buy Romney or that Texas Jewish bunch of billionaires who buy Newt Gingrich and can not even control their liberal children donating to Obama.

In the protocols of the overthrow of America, it was simple in one set up handlers or in this case they are called campaign managers by names of Steve Schmidt and Nicholle Wallace whose entire purpose as like this Trent Lott lobby whore outfit in DC, is to push the new world order

You want a bombshell that will probably destroy this guys career the way this blog did in outing Keith Olbermann as a conservative more than most Conservatives?
The 3rd most powerful person in the democratic party, meaning you have Obama, Reid and then number 3 in Chuck Schumer of New York, the much hated "liberal"...........
Schumer is more conservative than most of the GOP put together. His real side  came out after 9 11 when he got a reality call, but took another call a few months later that if he wanted to keep his job in the Senate, he had better go back to what he was paid for, and that was to be a liberal, or his skeletons would come dangling out.

Why I bring that up is Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan, Bill O'Reilly, they are all Obama voters and answer the call like Shep Smith for the paycheck as part of the steering committee.

You can see this after the 2012 election theft by Obama, in they talking points are Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer "working together" as Graham is a liberal in reality to Schumer's conservative to push illegal citizenship to make a better version of the black vote as the democrats have been aborting all those worthless blacks and are getting a blackneck voting block of fat white tramps getting knocked up by narco nigs who are not going to be voting democrat and are too much of a drain on the DNC budget.
No one is talking about the election being stolen and Patraeus is the catalyst to push it all off the books, as yes, 150% voter turn out in Florida, 99% voter turn out for Obama in Ohio and in Pennsylvania over 100% voter turn out for............Obama.

But of course there is no election theft. No Scytl, no SOE, no Sequoia all from by foreigners of the New World Order, and all having proven to spit out votes for Obama when voting for Romney.
Obama's numbers were down 11 % and Romneys were down 2 % , but the problem is according to Steve Schmidt is radical Todd Akin types, and according to conservative talking heads is, Obama's allure was gone and Romney never was conservative enough, but yet it is those missing voters just like in 2008 when 10 million GOP voters disappeared..........
No one bothers with a reality check in maybe the surge was for Romney and Obama in the Scytl casino software could only flip so many votes before things were not as glaring as they are now when the votes were suppressed by Romney's backers using high fuel prices and acts of nature.

It all starts adding up and it points to a powers that be as Obama defined and named, whose purpose it has been to employ image managers to craft strawmen who would fall down before the intended election highway man, so all of this legalized robbery would continue on unabated.

So the kid who was not around and learned about Reagan from the history books tells everyone nothing, but more propaganda spin coming directly out of the same place Karl Rove shoves gerbils.

You want to win this thing and raise America from the dead, the only way possible my children?
Then you start hammering this Junior Reagan until he starts telling you to F*CK OFF. You peal his skin back and make him scream so that he start divulging the dirt, the real sh*t on the dick dirt on these Republican frauds, on these Foster Freiss frauds to embarass them, humiliate them and expose them for the shills they are.'
Only then will this ever begin to start being what it will be in a legal political war in America, not for the American Virgin, but for that crown on her rotting head, buried in this Obama Abyss.
Round two of the Obama Super Depression is coming. It has to as fuel prices will not drop below 3 bucks as that is what Harold Hamm out of Oklahoma negotiated this all for. There is 500 billion in tax stipulations from the Bush era coming due in January. There is a trillion dollars in new bills for Obama care coming for 2013.

Are you comprehending why the Lame Cherry started laying out for your thought processes in who to bring this all down in using the world order's enslavement against them, in your protecting your assets and every last one of you finding a way to go on welfare to put 60 million more people onto this system and busting this Tower of Babel to the ground by overloading.

If this GOP Insider is real, he will know the secrets to do to thee entire GOP leadership and their extended donors, and that most interesting group of championed "conservatives" like Jim DeMint, who like this entire ghost of apparitions, never seemed once in all their years of power to be able to advance one thing Conservative.

Ever ask yourself why? It is because this entire motley crew is either nothing but frauds or like Michele Bachmann in getting a text about the things in her closet and if she does not play along, she is going to go down.
You look long and hard at Michele Bachmann's eyes from a year ago to the woman in Congress today. There is a reason this "Conservative" never touched Romney in the debates and was made to go around whoring for him. It is all the blackmail machine and Obama has his benefactors just like the powers that be are on the right keeping this all under control in misdirection.

This group destroyed Larry Craig, George Allen now twice and under Romney decapitated the Conservatives inside the Republican Party.
I can tell you that Sarah Palin knows very well how this mengarie operates as much of what was enacted against her has been posted here, but she knows the details in the direct contact and she has been told to shut up or tomorrow will not arrive.

So do not fall for someone hiding under the Reagan corpse professing they have all the things to save the GOP for Conservatives as this is part of the protocols as I warned each of you to keep you looking at the 2014 elections and the 2016 elections while you Mark Levin sit on your asses rant abou the last man standing.
They do not want you up for revolution as they know this is the critical point. They want to sucker you into thinking elections will solve this AS NO ONE ADDRESSES liberal crossover voters to get Romney the nomination  in numbers so Scytl can flip primaries and no one is going to address what good are a Conservative running like Todd Akin or someone in the Presidentials when the voting machines are tagging the outcome which was projected months ago.

This can be done my children, but if you try this in a Tea Party they will take it over again and kill it. You are going to have do this legally by pressuring the stooges into spilling things as you are not going to fall for the crapola they are feeding you in Rick Perry and just wait for 2014. The dirt is where it is at. They know it if they are where they say they are, as they have the dirt on Congressional aids in their texts which would bring down these frauds as they were at the gatherings hearing it all.

Step One: Legally Break the community organized system by taking what the regime is haning out to all. This is not your country as America is dead. Kill the changeling by using the cartel's own chains of enslavement against them.

Step Two: Make the Insiders spill their guts about the GOP stooges across the board at their little gatherings, their billionaire whore purchases and what all their little Anthony Wiener's are up to.
If you think this GOP Insider is real, you just snorted the green kook aide, as I revealed here from a Democratic operative who stated that Mitt Romney was behind all the sabotage against  Fred Thompson the Conservative from 2008 all so McCain could take the fall from the Rovians.
If the GOP Insider was real, he would know that and said more, instead of praising Romney as is the talking point one can find non stop in what a moral man he is.

Goppie wants to perform for you for attention. Make the circus act perform. The FBI files are full of all of this stuff and the brothel of campaign trolls know enough of it to make it talking points.

Break the community organized hold. Break the stooges, and in that the fall out will provide a launch platform to resurrect  America on Lame Cherry Doctrines. The frauds will go along like Allan Simpson did with Ronald Reagan as much as Orin Hatch was forced to for the illusions.

It is not as Milton Freidman stated in a few good men make the bad men do the right thing, but  a few God given men like Reagan make the bad men too afraid to keep doing the wrong things.

Your America was overthrown my children. She was taken out, raped, sold into slavery and murdered. You can not save her. What you can do is stop trusting in the sons of men, and legally start using the systems they have set up to make the American gulag against the organization employing the mob to make theft legal and make lawfulness legalities

America has had it's last legal President. Patience my children. Your Lord is in Heaven and your leader is in each of your hearts. Swear allegiance to whatever flag they offer and use it legally against the system.

Résister, résister toujours, toujours résister, résister jusqu'à ce qu'il succombe.

Lame Cherry

This is not a revolution in which you will in panic reaction jump into the traps they have laid to criminalize and murder you legally.
This is the brier patch and I was born here. It is good to be home.

Resist, resist always, always resist, resist until it succumbs.

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