Thursday, November 29, 2012

Obama Hood

I have it on good authority from a not so confidential source as I always tell me about everything my children, in there were two convoys of Hummers loading on trucks, with one in the tail on the pavement, and two very fricking European looking light trucks on the move on November 28th south of Sioux City, Iowa.

Sort of winter really in that fraud state of Iowa so one wonders what the 113th Cavalry was doing prancing around wasting taxpayer money moving camo green and camo tan Hummers about on the interstate.......we'll call it I 29 for example as that is what it is.

Maybe Iowa is going to invade Missouri and start a regional Obama civil war or something,,,,,,,,,'

Thing is it is just one of those oddities happening in middle America's gut with lots of power transformers being shipped about the place and now we know two convoys of Hummers were going south.
Last we all heard was Obama stopped making wars and all was what exactly were these weekend warriors being deployed to. Not like one takes a Hummer out on a transport leash like one does the dog.

You know these transports all looked like some damned European semi flat nosed thing too. Only American looking things on these convoys were the Hummers and I did not know the Yanks were in the process of invading jungle lands.

You do remember Obama had that Yellow Fever going on in his first road trip when he tried to rodeo all them Asian leader chics. I do know that dark green Hummers stand out in desserts like sore thumb in looking black on a white it bids a question again just what does Supreme Commander....or what is his name, Commander in Chief........Cammandero in Chief if he is out banging the Asian leaders some might say, but we still got them poor frostbite Iowa corn holio boys going south on that big black snake, riding Euro trucks and sweating them sand and jungle hummers.

We  return to the question in, unless those 3 black window buses were filled with Obama troopers mixed in that mix, where is Obama deploying two varieties of hummers in this economic crisis of cutting Pentagon funds?

I wonder if Obama gets erect on Jessica Alba or if he only likes purebred Asian interesting as Barry Chinoid did mention hisself as mongrel and he likes purebred Pakistani and blacks mostly, so does the mongrel like his own kind or does he like purebreeds?

What happens when one mixes American Hummers and foreign looking trucks?

Seriously, as deployments are serious subject, Sioux City, Iowa has like it's own pony soldiers in the 113th and it's own air force of weekend warriors. Nothing is really south of this military city which stinks like a sewer except Offut air force base. The question then begs in all of this is where are these Hummers going in some stealth Obama war deployment which would use a majority of jungle green camouflage vehicles in trucks and Hummers.

Just asking questions as I doubt anyone else would bother as only popular girls ask questions.
