Monday, November 26, 2012


I must stand up for black sisters everywhere as if one has this chameleon Ann Coulter snogging about in your bush, it is time to have a real woman stand up for them in Government Manfare.

According to Coulter, Bill Maher and Lawrence O'Donnell have a thing for black stuff. I do not get this race fetish stuff, but when it comes to women seeking out males who look like lizards.

I term this LIZARDONIAN PSYCHOSIS these black women must suffer in mass as there are clear examples of this in even Whooper Goldberg was joined at the hip with Ted Danson. This is not to say there is anything wrong with our good friend Ted, as he is entertaining as an actor, but all of these lizard men seem to like to slum around in dark holes and then come up for air, leaving the poor black woman on her own.

Even that one mobster actor has a black woman in these liberal is not Al Pacino, but that other lizard looking guy who is friends with that other Italian actor from that lawyer movie with  Herman know who I mean, is that mouthy New Yorker who Wayne Brady should slap the shit out of too when he is through putting the palm to Bill Maher.

See there is something odd about this in black women. I do not know if it is the color green of money the sisters like as it certainly can not be the personalities, although one can see in having Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock around acting like 5 year olds showing their zipper skin around, perhaps a nice master who looks fossilized might be appealing to such women.

This is not an accident, as one remembers that Uhurah from Star Trek was taking a photon up the tube with that globalist Roddenberry burying his phaser drive in her.

I have stated that Renee Tennison from long ago Playboy was attractive. That Peggy from Mannix reruns from the 1960s was pretty too, but those appear to be normal women compared to the modern version who date lizard males thinking they will get something out of of it and instead .........well are just women who date men no women would ever touch.

I shiver at thinking Maher naked......any of them. White to hurt your eyes and saggy looking penis bodies with no personalities. If one combines this lizardess Ann Coulter and these black women suffering from psychological problems it really starts looking like some wacko sci fi porn in Faster Lizard Cat, Puke Puke.

For a remedy in this, I suggest that these black women find a nice blind white Stevie Wonder. Stevie is not bad looking, and some of the Obama children look like him. These black women could then tell this white blind guy they want to date and he will not care as long as they do not admit they are into lizards and all would be well.
It is just the blind white guys should not take their dates to the reptile gardens or Red Lobster or perhaps he will need his white cane to walk home alone, as the non humans might win out.

I can not imagine women ever being desperate enough to date these men. Granted I think Mr. Cheers wife is a nice gal who I do not know of her history in dating snakes, but the point is, it must be a psychological obsession for a pattern like this to take place in these creepy liberal male lizards are attracting these defenseless black women.

All of these Obama voters from Ann Coulter to Bill Maher just make me shiver in their being so scaley. It is not that I have anything against lizards. I just think they should not cross species. You know like Land of the Lost Sleestak never dated Marshall, Will or Holly.

So any way, maybe Obama could sign some executive order banning black chicas from dating lizard men and he could put in their something about not dating Chinoids as he has a phobia of being around black women too. Sort of hide his agenda like he is good at and just make them black mamas safe from themselves.

After all no good came to Pegs Noonan or Shep Smith having the jungle lust for ........hell that is Yellow Fever ......maybe it could be Yelloid Fever for Obama as we do not want to leave that 13% blackness out......any way no good came from the people lusting after Obama as it wore off fast and all went into dillusionary mindsets of being vicious like Shep against Birthers and then after his sudsy lost the bubbles he sort of figured no one would remember he was an Obama voter over at FOX.

Where was I?

Oh yeah I was wrapping things up in this as I have had enough of this creepy dating lizards things and wondering if Bill Maher and Larry O have some kind of jelly insects they have that black chic insert and they flick out with their lizard tongues..........

Just was wondering what the Lizard Position was.........

Maybe Elton John knows as he did sing Crocodile Rock..............maybe Rush Limbaugh knows as he looks..............I didn't know his blonde wife was black.

Paul Ryan ok..........Aspen Institute liberals........sure it all makes sense now.

You know when you put into Google search for a black woman with a lizard, you get shoes and when you put in a black woman with a snake, you still get shoes......and one woman who was naked pregnant........don't know what Google was thinking in racism there.

Odd no photos of Bill Maher though.........


The devil in Ms. Coulter while mugged by a Negroid Riding for Free

(At Huffpo sounds quite pornographic, but includes Ms. Coulters three latest Mockingbird titles on one has read, but are on the New York Times best seller list.....must be why I don't make the Times as people actually read things here.)

PS: I once phoned a pornography movie production studio. Was a strange conversation in it took forever for someone to answer the phone, and there was puffing from the guy, loud laughing women, him trying to shut everyone up and sound business like and I forget now what I was phoning about for information, but it sounded a great deal like the time I called John Thune's office and the girl help there would not shut up either in being loud.

There were no black women involved as I could tell by the laughter and so I know that Bill Maher or Lawrence O'Donnell were not least not naked.

Oh hell, these black women are Land of the Lost fans and had their first masturbation session while watching it and.......well that is why they like Bill Maher.......poor black teenagers just woofing it away with the oven cleaner can to Will and out pops a Sleestak when the cherry gets popped, and they have been suffering ever since.
Who knew Bill Maher, Lawrence O'Donnell owed all their sexual prowess to a latex costume....actually is like most lesbians and all condoms.

Bill Maher the Sleestak condom.......I wonder if he uses oven cleaner cologne......

Robert Deniro he is that mouthy mobster guy.

I always did like Land of the Lost until Will Ferrell ruined it.....liked baking too.

I wonder what cartoon Muchelle Obama was watching when.........